Gatsby Capital Statement on Recent Bank Failures
Recent events and other aspects of the economy have shaken up the banking world.
Silicon Valley Bank, known for investing in start-ups in the technology sector, has failed. This was followed by several additional banks failing over the course of eleven chaotic days.
Gatsby Capital Ventures and portfolio companies do NOT conduct any business with any of the affected banks. Therefore, the Gatsby Capital ecosystem is not directly affected by an of these bank failures.
While there may be additional repercussions from these banks’ collapse, Gatsby Capital’s investing principles ring true and we continue to stand by them. Our business model continues to sit strong, and our core investment thesis remains unchanged.
We will continue to monitor these events in the upcoming months to determine if and when a pivot in strategy would be warranted. But again, as of this time, Gatsby Capital’s investments and family of companies are not affected by these recent events.
About Gatsby Capital
Gatsby Capital Ventures is a privately held, multi-strategy equity investment group based in Atlanta, Georgia. They acquire established businesses with a proven track record with interests in manufacturing, technology, & real estate.
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